Disparate Impact of Ischemic Injury on Regional Wall Dysfunction in Acute Anterior vs Inferior Myocardial Infarction
- • Anterior MI resulted in more depressed LVEF and worse wall motion score compared to inferior MI.
- • Regional dyskinesis was common in anterior but not inferior MI.
- • Downstream wall motion differed between anterior and inferior MI, relative to infarct artery.
- • Anterior MI wall motion worsened downstream, from the base progressing to the distal apical zone.
- • Inferior MI was reversed, worse wall motion abnormalities at the base, and preservation of the apex.
Acute transmural ischemia should induce similar magnitude of wall motion abnormality (WMA) in both anterior myocardial infarction (AMI) and inferior (IMI). However, patients with AMI generally suffer more severe hemodynamic compromise.